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We as a church are supporting an agricultural program at the YWAM-Yei base in southern Sudan.

Alan Marley, a member of our congregation, was fortunate enough to visit the base in September 2010 to assist on a YWAM discipleship training course. At that time they felt the Lord directing them to present a YWAM model in the community of how to be good stewards of the land they had been given by the government.

The base leader, Augustine and his staff member George have some wonderful objectives and goals for this land. For example, to impact the young men of Yei to develop a vision of agriculture as a self-reliance vocation and to create jobs for those idle boys and girls of Yei as they are hired to work in the programme. Also life on the YWAM base will become easier as the food availability and variety improves.

To achieve this they had an initial need for bulls (oxen) for pulling the plough. They use bulls because they are cheaper to operate than a tractor, they don't need petrol and they can work around trees. There are also many other requirements such as medicines, seeds, insecticides, fencing and tools.

Through the generosity of St. Barnabas and our friends we have been able to provide funds for the purchase of the oxen (which are now under training) and also for seeds.

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Read about our mission 'To know Jesus as Lord and to share His love with our local community'